Thursday 31 January 2013

Hack 2000 Item City Ville

Turtoal Hack: 
  1. Open City Ville and Charles 
  2. When Charles> Flashservices /> A: gateway.php (BaseService.dispatchBatch)
    * (Breakpoint checkbox) 
  3. Reload City Ville 
  4. After Charles responds, Edit Response> AMF> data> userinfo> player> cash replaced 5000> Execute 
  5. Klik Session 1 * then disable the breakpoint> breakpoint> Execute 
  6. Kembali to City Ville click menu Build> Find Mystery Chests
  7. For the first click NO on the chest, the second breakpoint is enabled and click YES on the crate
  8. After charles respond, Edit Response> AMF> param> mystery_crate_winter1 code is replaced with bus_bloodbank_3 (blood bank code Level3) interger replace 2000> Execute
  9. Click on Session 1 * and sign toggles breakpoint> breakpoint> Execute
  10. Back to City Ville see inventory and you will get the blood bank Level3 2000

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